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paint correction and ceramic coating , car detailing birmingham



From 1.5 Hrs






Our maintenance wash consists of 2 monthly exterior + interior valets to maintain the finish of your vehicle. We do not currently offer a mobile service. This service is only for those who have initially received The Signature Valet or any higher level package.  


Our maintenance valet exists to protect your car detailing investment. Two monthly visits to the studio to keep your paintwork, alloys, interior and glass in pristine condition, as well as protecting any paint correction and ceramic coating investment.


We always start with the wheels, the grubbiest section of the vehicle. Soft bristle brushes, microfibre mitts and paint-safe chemicals will allow us to clean your vehicle in the safest possible manner. Arches flushed and brushed. Gleaming paintwork, satin tyres, Crystal clear glass and dirt-free interior is your vehicle’s new look. 


Look good, Feel good.

The Process:

- Wheel arches, tyres and wheels cleaned with a selection of soft brushes and wash mitts

- Pre-wash applied to the paintwork

- snow foam applied to the vehicle

- Paintwork, wheel arches and wheels thoroughly rinsed

- 3 bucket safe wash carried out using premium vehicle shampoo & professional grade mitts

- Badges, crevasses and grills cleaned using dedicated brushes

- Protection is topped up to maintain high gloss.

- All shuts cleaned and dried 

- The final rinse

- Vehicle dried using premium drying towels and warm filtered air to blow out trapped water

- Interior receives a detailed hoover and a complete wipe down

- Glass is cleaned to streak-free finish.

- Tyres dressed

- Engine bay detail is carried out every so often to maintain a pristine condition inside and out.

Detailing professional polishing

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